Leaving The Matrix with Jeff Berwick

Leaving The Matrix with Jeff Berwick Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick founded The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) in 2010 with Ed Continue Reading →

The Journey of Transcendence with Jeff Berwick

The Journey of Transcendence with Jeff Berwick Not only is Jeff Berwick a passionate freedom and peace advocate but, he’s a bestselling author and founder of Anarchapulco (an annual voluntaryist Continue Reading →

Unleash Your Inner Healer With Rosanne Lindsay

Rosanne Lindsay, ND, is a Naturopath, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board, and a Tribal Healer with the Turtle Island Provider Network. She holds graduate degrees from Trinity School of Natural Health in Naturopathic medicine and from the University of Chicago’s School of Public Health in Environmental Health Science. Continue Reading →

Minisode: How The Lunar Eclipse of July 2018 Will Impact You

The blood moon 2018 (which happens on July 27) will be the longest total lunar eclipse this century. Astrologer Constance Stellas reveals what signs will be most affected by this Lunar Eclipse
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