Death Show: Animal Afterlife

This entire portion of The Death Show is devoted to healing from the loss of your beloved furry family member. Dogs, cats and other animals can become huge parts of our lives and when they leave us, it can be devastating. Animals are amazing. Continue Reading →

The Revolution with Dr. Ron Paul

Dr. Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for liberty, prosperity and peace. Dr. Paul served twelve terms in the US House of Representatives and was a three-time candidate for US president. He has devoted his political career to the defense of individual liberty, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. Continue Reading →

World Hero of Peace Major General Smedley Butler

By the end of his career, Smedley Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive the Medal of Honor twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions. Continue Reading →

OLIT Featured On “Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge” Radio Show!

When a highly respected & globally recognized radio program dedicates a show about another radio program, it’s something that should perk up ears. The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Continue Reading →

A Forensic Soul Analysis On Jane Velez-Mitchell

Tonight we are proud and very excited to be doing a forensic soul analysis on one of the most accomplished, beloved, and respected TV journalists in American history, Ms. Jane Continue Reading →

The Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce has been called the “sleeping prophet,” the “father of holistic medicine,” and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. But who, exactly, was Edgar Cayce? Continue Reading →