Visionary Warrior Swami Satchidanand

Rev. Sally Perry (known as Swami Satchidanand), Spirit Medicine of Cherokee lineage and initiated as Swami Satchidanand, is an internationally known visionary, spiritual healer, teacher and author of Chronicles of Continue Reading →

Wisdom Beyond Worlds With Psychic Medium Kerrie O’Connor

Wisdom Beyond Worlds With Psychic Medium Kerrie O’Connor Kerrie O’Connor has been a beloved Virtue on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth since the show started in 2014. Kerrie O’Connor Continue Reading →

The Death Show: The Virtues

The Virtues are four exceptional metaphysical & spiritual teachers that have been a significant part of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth radio show since it’s inception in 2014. These individuals offer incredible insight into a soul’s journey, past lives, and etheric energy fields. Continue Reading →

Pepsi, United Airlines, Spicer – Is Mercury In Retrograde The Culprit Behind Theses Communication Disasters?

Mercury as you may know was the messenger god of the ancient Romans. In Greek mythology he was called Hermes. He was a trickster who enjoyed chaos and miss-communication. In astrology, the planet Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year. This means that the planet from the earth’s perspective seems to be travelling backward. This is a time of confused mental thinking, misplaced speech and electronic/computer breakdowns.
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The Spiritual & Energetic Effects & Consequences of Getting Tattoos With a Love Partner’s Name

“Whoa … are you nuts? Don’t you know it’s bad luck to tattoo someone’s name on yourself?”
I have always held the notion that some of the most common beliefs, superstitions, and stories have some amount of truth behind them: they originated from somewhere … however oftentimes they’re also greatly exaggerated or totally misconstrued – which tends to happen to ANY “story” over time. Anyways, my husband and I have reached a time in our lives where finally we can start to focus more on ourselves and our marriage; with all of our kids venturing out into the world to live their own lives, we are looking forward to concentrating on us – it’s almost like we’ve turned back time and we’re dating once again. Continue Reading →