What If Every Person Has The Makings of A Super Hero?

In ancient Greece the gods, were the first Super Heroes. There were 12 reigning on Mt Olympus and under the loose command of Zeus or Jupiter as he was called in Roman times. The 12 Olympian gods were: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon (Neptune), Hades (Pluto) Hestia, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite (Venus), Hephaistos, Ares (Mars), and Hermes (Mercury). You will notice that some of these gods have names that we use today to identify zodiac signs or planets. The Olympian gods, in addition to their individual talents, commanded the elements fire, earth, air, and water. Continue Reading →

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Five Signs Spirits Are Communicating With You

Occasionally, a spirit who is older and/or stronger will be able to gather enough energy from its environment to affect us physically. If you suddenly feel like you were bit, and a scratch or other injury appears, more likely than not you have a haunting. If it gets to this point though, there were probably several other signs that already led you to this conclusion. Continue Reading →

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When To Trust Your Intuition

Intuition is not rational or logical, it is a “just knowing” that comes seemingly out of nowhere. It is an instinctive response to our environment, who and what is around us, an inner safety mechanism designed to help us avoid harm, a chance to think twice before proceeding. Continue Reading →

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Do Animals Have Spirits & Feel Our Emotions?

Whether they are alive or have passed on, our pets always understand our emotions, thoughts, and pain. Realize too that most pets are indeed telepathic – they can not only feel the energy surrounding their owners, they can also “read your heart.” Continue Reading →

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What Is Reincarnation & Is Reincarnation and Resurrection the Same Thing?

Resurrection is when the spirit re-enters THE SAME BODY, in the same life time, and in the same life circumstance. The most widely-known example of resurrection is of course the rise of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Reincarnation on the other hand is when the spirit decides, upon leaving the physical body, to be re-born into a NEW BODY, in a different time, and in and entirely different set of life circumstances. Continue Reading →

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Why Saturday’s Super Moon Will Shake Humanity

The Super Moon on Saturday is a Full Moon that is closer to the earth than usual. This month’s Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces. Pisces people may feel reclusive.
Others may have vivid and prophetic dreams. Others will sleep very deeply. The chords of compassion and helpfulness to those unfortunate are emphasized in a Pisces Moon. Be kind and unwind. There is a lot of intensity at the Full Moon and we should all put our shields up and protect our energies from over stimulation and cooties. Continue Reading →

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