What Astrology Reveals About America’s Future – A Comprehensive Perspective By Constance Stellas

The birth horoscope of the US is July 4,1776 and the position of Pluto in this chart is 27 degrees 33 minutes of Capricorn. Pluto in the heavens is currently at 26 degrees 26 minutes of Capricorn and will form an exact conjunction to the U.S. Pluto position on February 22, 2022. This is called a Pluto Return and does not happen frequently and never to individuals as Pluto’s orbit takes 200 years or more.
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Surviving Global Shadow – Evolving Beyond Your Personal Struggles

Collective energies are on turbo drive again unveiling the global ego and its shadow. The energetic bombardment through political merry-go-rounds, financial crashes, contaminated food and water, social injustice, techno-control, spiritual emergencies, Wave-X, you name it, has only yet begun. The global shadow is about to unleash its most powerful weapon upon us: Fear, Anger and Negativity. Continue Reading →

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