Legendary Metaphysical Visionary Stuart Wilde

Author of over 20 books on Spirituality & Personal Development, Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com) was considered by many to be the greates metaphysician in the world. Deepak Choopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers have privately studied with him Continue Reading →

Exploring Gaia, The Spirit of Earth

Gaia sentience (or Mother Earth) animates the planet, gives it purpose and makes life on Earth possible. Our past is deeply rooted in the earth and our future depends upon our ability to recreate a relationship with our sentient planet. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth proudly presents a comprehensive analysis on Gaia, the Spirit of Earth. The show features an incredible lineup of today’s most respected Metaphysical Teachers, Healers & Earth Intuitives. Continue Reading →

Pepsi, United Airlines, Spicer – Is Mercury In Retrograde The Culprit Behind Theses Communication Disasters?

Mercury as you may know was the messenger god of the ancient Romans. In Greek mythology he was called Hermes. He was a trickster who enjoyed chaos and miss-communication. In astrology, the planet Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year. This means that the planet from the earth’s perspective seems to be travelling backward. This is a time of confused mental thinking, misplaced speech and electronic/computer breakdowns.
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